White Horehound (Marrubium vulgare) is not a plant most people think of often, but it is a very useful one to have in your apothecary. It grew best for me this year in deep planters of 12" in depth and about 14" round. I buy these starter plants in the spring in small 4" pots from a local place called Produce Station- and I think a lot of herb lovers have helped this store decide what to stock as to herbs. It did not do well in the big medicine garden, and I will grow it in pots next year. 2 pots was all I needed, for 3 harvests so far.
It is bitter to taste, but has a very interesting back-flavor. I was first introduced to it at the age of ten- by going to Greenfield Village, (a local Detroit museum complex with a full village that depicts life in colonial times). Horehound drops and "candy" were sold in the general store- and we could buy it- and I did. The general store was a re-creation of resources people might have had 200 years ago. When making an elixir out of horehound, you would generally end up with a golden brown color- this was the color of the drops. When making remedies with horehound, honey is your friend.
Horehound was prized, and still should be, for both digestive and also respiratory issues, including for throat and cough. I just now gravitated to it- to some drying cuttings I recently made- to make a tea for some digestive discomfort. It brought relief. And was pretty good with a little honey! You can mix it with a little licorice root, a mint, and a little marshmallow leaf , and some whole flax seed, for an effective throat and cough soother. Keep it in the fridge , add a little honey, and take it by the spoonful when you need soothing or have coughing spasms. It works offering many herbal actions, and is so much better for the body than druggy, sugar laden chemical over the counter preparations.
The photo here depicts its pebbled leaf texture, along with the rounded leaf shape and the distinct grayish cast to the leaf color. Small white flowers complete the picture.
Here also is a well rounded article for more information on one of my favorite plants- horehound. https://www.therighttea.com/horehound-tea.html
