What do two young women standing around in the wild posing with a dirtball have to do with urinary health and healing? Quite a lot, once we get to cleaning the roots in that dirtball and making medicines out of them that can clear stones and sediment from the entire urinary tract, plus tone and nourish the tissues there.
There are numerous case histories wherein I have used Gravel Root preparations and other kidney bladder herbs for various reasons to address needed improvements in this system. This includes pets as well as people. Here is one story to illustrate how herbs work. There are at least 10 different herbs I might use and combine for different kidney/bladder and general urinary system toning, healing, strengthening, and for targeting specfic purposes. Here is a focus on one issue and use of one herb, Gravel Root.
We will call him Tom, the son of one of our staff. He had pain and attacks, and blood in the urine, to send him to the emergency room, where he was diagnosed with a kidney stone. He was given pain killers- that's it. It was determined that this painful kidney stone was large (one centimeter or more) . A procedure was recommended to "break it up". He was busy with work, and put off the procedure. Meanwhile his mother recommended our Tincture of Gravel Root, which he took for 2-3 weeks, and this, being an ANTI-LITHIC (an herbal action which means "break down stone"). He passed the stone within that time- he actually heard it "clink" , and it was gone. No more expense, waiting, anxiety, tests- it was gone. After-care includes using demulcent herbs which are prepared in synergy with nutritive, toning and strengthening herbs for this body system.
We gather our our Gravel root in a region close to our School, and prepare the fresh root medicinally as an extract, or dry it for later use, after which it has an honored place within our apothecary for client care. (and pet care- I have used it numerous times for cats and dogs) . This photograph shows some senior Clinical Herbalist students harvesting a gravel root plant. Your comments and questions are welcome